Etude House

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

New: Dear My Wish Lips Talk Lipstick

The new Dear My Wish Lips Talk lipstick

There's a new lipstick at Etude House called Dear My Wish Lips Talk. I haven't tried it yet, but I would love to. However, I just bought the new Dear My Blooming Lips - Etude Pink a week or two ago and also my boyfriend got me the Princess Etoinette Cristal Shine Lips not long ago. So, I'll have to wait a bit, before I can afford the new lipstick.

However, there is a new event at Etude House every month where you can apply for a free sample or a free beauty tester and this month it's the new Dear My Wish Lips Talk lipstick. It says on the Etude House homepage that you have more chances of winning if you post the link to your blog. There's very little chance of winning, but it doesn't hurt to try.

The new lipsticks comes in 10 different colors. And there is another special event that started on September 15th, where you get a special lipstick holder if you order two or more Dear My Wish Lips Talk lipsticks.

Event: 2x Dear My Wish Lips Talk + Lipstick holder

Like I said, I haven't tried it yet. But I have several lipsticks from Etude House and I am really happy with all of them, especially the Etoinette Cristal Shine lipstick. I love the color and it is so nice and moist and it doesn't dry out your lips.

My humble collection of Etude House lipstics ^^

I am afraid the 'free samples' and 'free beauty tester' events are only available for princesses living in Korea, but you can order any of Etude House lipsticks online through either one of the Korean online shopping malls such as gmarket or through Amazon or any other page. The price for the new lipstick in Korea is 9500krw (9$).

This is the link to the Free Beauty Tester event:


  1. I know, right? :D And that's one of the reasons I love Etude House so much! ^^

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